Friday, August 28, 2009

There Goes August...

I was looking at my blog and realised that I have not yet written a post in August, and I felt bad about that. I had really wanted this to be a regular thing, but then I started spending less time on the computer, so I didn't have the time and oppurtunity to blog...

Well I did get to be an EFY counselor after all, but only for one week. It was a pretty neat experience. It was cool to watch as other people decided to change and were able to grow in their testimony and build friendships and know that in a small way I was able to contribute to that. I even had the oppurtunity to give a couple of blessings while I was there, and in both cases the person made a full recovery, one immediately after the blessing.

My dad, after many ups and downs is finally on the transplant list. Very close to the top too. He could get called in any day for the transplant, so that is pretty cool.

My mother is closing her store, which I think is great. Working there has been hard on me, partly becuase with a normal job I don't take any stress home with me becuase I don't actually care about my employers, but in this job it is a little different. I will be glad when I can say goodbye to the stress of working there. I would not reccomend working regular hours with ones family, it just makes a job too stressful...

I don't really have much else to report, except that I just finished Order of the Phoenix, and while I initially thought it was the worst book in the series, I like it more every time I read it. I love the political aspect in the book, and Umbridge is one of my favourite people to hate in the books. I like her character becuase she reminds me 0f some real life politicians. *deletes his next moment becuase of spoilers, and my sister just started reading the books*

Well I think that is all... I would post another writing excercise if I had my notebook with me, but I don't... You will have to wait until next time...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thanks for the call...

So I applied to be an EFY Counselor. It's like a week long camp which focuses on increasing the gospel knowledge, and boosting the testimonies of the youth in my church. That's the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

For those who are more critical of religion, you might compare it to a week long propoganda camp... JK

Anyways, I thought it would be a good experiance so I jumped the various hoops, and tried to get in. Finally they emailed me and we scheduled a phone interview. So I stayed home from work, and... They never called... I sent an email, but it's not looking good for our protaganist (That's me).

Anyways enough about my pathertic life, and I will now share with you my next Writing Exercise. The exercise is called "Hands". We were supposed to envision the hands of someone and take these hands from a resting to action, and eventually back to a resting state, or something weird like that. That isn't quite what I did, becuase I never seem to play by the rules... Except when I am playing board games, where I think the rules are sacred, and I only cheat when no one is looking.


As I entered the room a small voice cried my name and instantly sticky hands grabbed mine. The small hands, coloured by marker, and peanut butter from lunch guided and pulled me into the next room.

"Look, I got a new game!"

The hands left mine, leaving me to wonder where I could find a napkin to wipe off the remains of a well enjoyed lunch, that was not my own. The boys hand did not remain empty but grabbed the controller, the small and nimble fingers navigating through complicated menus, creating worlds, and performing difficult manoeuvres.

When the young boy found himself stumped by the game, he forced the unfamiliar controller into my hands eagerly asking me to get past a tricky part for him. I died several times in quick succesion, while the boys hands fidgeted in his lap, frustrated by my inability to play.

This is one of my favourite writing exercises I have done. It is based on a collection of experiences with my nephew Carson. For those who care, the game in the story is Little Big Planet for the PS3.

I love the way I did this exercise, and small things that define character, without looking an anyones face and hardly any dialogue. I will try to bring the tools I learned from this into my stories, to give my characters unique mannerisms, and to show compliacted emotions through simply physical actions.

The next writing exercise I post will be one on imagery.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


My dad is waiting for a Liver transplant. He suffers from Non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. There are a few complications though.

One of them is that he doesn't qualify to be on the liver transplant list becuase the pressure in his pulminary vein is at 55. The mortality rates with a pressure that high mean that no transplant team will operate on him. The solution for this is a heart lung transplant... which they can't do... becuase in order to recover from that he would need his liver to be working better... a lovely catch 22. To top it off, the pressure in his pulminary vein will kill him much faster than his liver will...

What they have been doing is giving him lot's of drugs to try and lower the pressure. It needs to be at a 35, but it was never likely they would get it that low. He is on three drugs that should help lower it, and each one might be able to lower it by about 5. One of these drugs is pumped directly into my dad's heart, so he has been at the hospital most of the time since it was started, becuase that is the safest place for him to be. If something fails in his pump, they only have 6 minutes to correct it before he would die. He also has been dealing with an infection. The point of all that, is that best case scenario from the doctors point of view was to get the pressure down to about 40. And then they would ask the transplant team if they would consider operating.

My dad recently had a blessing. I am LDS, Mormon, whatever you want to call it, and we believe that priesthood holders can give blessings to the sick. In one of his more recent blessings it was said that when they checked the pressures the results would be so dramatic that even the doctors would think it was a miracle. That has given us some more hope, and I was thinking that maybe his pressures might hit 30, that would have been a miracle to me, but I was way off.

Yesterday the doctors took him for some tests, and one of the results is that they can approximate the pressure in his pulminary vein. It's not as accurate as doing the heart catheter which is scheduled for the 23rd. But the test they did said that the pressure in his vein is probably around 10.

That is a HUGE change. 10 is in the normal range, towards the low end. It is such a postive change the doctors are now considering lowering some of the drugs he is on, becuase they don't want or need it to get any lower. This is far beyond any expectations the doctors may have had for him. This is a miracle. And it is only of the miracles that I have seen in my life recently.

I do believe in a God of miracles.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Writing Exercise: The Sensitive

I am not particularly proud of this peice... but if I sorted through my peices and only showed you the good ones I would feel a little cheap. This Exercise is about using an object to try to define a develop a character. You describe the object instead of describing the person, but you accomplish the same thing, but it is much more stylish. Unfortunately my attempt looks sloppy at best, but I stand behind the exercise becuase I think it holds value in helping one learn to develop characters more creatively.

My browser isn't letting me put this in italics... so you will have to pretend... If you don't have the imigination to do that, you have no business reading a blog that is going to spend a lot of time talking about writing...

Start italics...

On the wall behind Randolf Grey's desk, mounted on cardstock, and set into a simple black frame was a cheque. It was the first Cheque Randolf Grey had ever for more than a five thousand dollars. The papaer was browned with age, the penmarks were fading and it had various bank stamps printed on it. Randolf remembered very well writing that cheque. He had come from a poor family, and Grey looked at that cheque demonstated who he had become: a magestic creature that had risen out of the ashes of poverty.

Randolf had made sure he recieved the cheque back after the bank had cleared it. It meant more than just money to him, it reminded him that in a long line of failures he alone had been a success. Whenever Grey was feeling discouraged he took a few minutes to look at the cheque on his office wall, to remember how he had to work to get where he was now. The cheque was for a local hospital in his home town, and was his way of giving a little back.

End italics...

I spent more time talking about grey, and strayed a little from the point of the exercise. I think I should have chosen a better object, but I was also on a time crunch. It isn't a great piece, but I am able to see ways to improve my writing as I read it.

The next piece I am going to post will be much better.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Archie made the wrong choice.

Recently I read in the paper that Archie was going to propose to Veronica, and ask Jughead to be his best man. Veronica is thrilled and callously posting about it on her blog, and Betty is distraught of course. In my opinion Archie has definately picked the wrong girl. Here is why:

Veronica, while attractive, is incredibly high maintenence. While she is rich, which is usually a bonus, her father is the source of all the money, Veronica is only a source of debt. Mr. Lodge does not like Archie, so it is unlikely that money will contine to pour Archie and Veronica's way after the wedding, and Archie will soon be broke, (they will probably have a spectacular wedding though).

Betty, on the other hand, is still beautiful, maybe not in the decked out classy way like Veronica, but I always liked Mary-Ann better than Ginger anyways; I don't think I am alone here. Betty will be an excellent mother, and wife, and will support Archie through his life. All traits that neither time nor bankruptcy can take away. Here's hoping that Archie sees the light before it is too late.

While the above is as irrelevant, and vapid as celebrity gossip it got me thinking about choices, and how they define our characters.

Let me pose a question.

If I were to tell you a man was an alcoholic what would you think of him?

And how would that perception change if I told you this alcoholic had been sober for ten years?

If I told you a man had AIDs, what would be your first thought about him?

And how would that change if I told you he had contracted the disease while working in a free clinic in Africa?

Those questions deal both with choices, as well as how the world can percieve things when they don't know the whole story.

My father is suffering from non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. When I tell people this I always make sure to emphasize the non-alcoholic part, becuase if people do not know me, or of my background, they are likely to assume otherwise. The doctors did not even believe my Dad when he told them that he had never had a drink in his life.

So the question is who are we? The person that we are percieved to be? Or the person we chose to be, possibly despite perceptions?

On a recent house episode Kutner, may he rest in peace, described a patient as a Harry Potter. It was a man who had very negative thoughts, but he chose not to say them, but to instead take on the role of the nice guy. Before his illness struck, and he was unable to censor himself he was a sort of anti-House. Kutner compared him to Harry Potter becuase when Harry was being sorted he was told he could be great in Slytherin, but Harry did not want to risk following the path to evil, and power. While the potential is still there in Harry, he chose not to acknowledge, thus becoming someone entirely different than the Sorting Hat first saw.

It is interesting the way in which our choices may depict aspects of ourselves we may not acknowledge. I know of someone who once may have been labeled a rebel. He was never a bad guy, but he you would never call him the good guy either. But when he decided he wanted to date a girl entirely different from himself it indicated his desire to move from rebel to a more clean cut conservative guy. The girl he set his sight on would not date him otherwise.

In that way I think our choices do not neccesarily indicate who we are right now, but they often indicate who we will be in the future. If Harry had chosen to be put in Slytherin nothing about him would have changed, but he would have moved down a very different path.

As I think about this it forces me to look at my own choices over my 21 years, and see which ones have affected my life positively, and which ones I am still kicking myself for. But if there is anything that Led Zeppelin has taught me, it's that there is still time to change the road you're on.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A weekly peak into my writing journal...

I decided that if I am going to keep this blog going I need to have something interesting for my readers to read. So I have decided that every wednesday I give you a peak into my journal. I will share a writing exercise, or excerpt from a story I may be working on. This week I will share the first writing exercise I did while in my creative writing class.

The way this Writing Exercise works is you randomaly select 10 words. You can ask other people, or pick them off pages of a book, however you want. You should have 7 nouns, and 3 verbs. In my class the prof took suggestions from the class and wrote them on the board. The 10 words were:

Sky Diving
Cocker Spaniel
and ....
Well I am not sure what the last word was becuase I either forgot to underline it in my peice, or didn't use it. (oops) You don't need to use the words in order, anything is fine. Here is my story.

I dropped my pencil over my list of potential vacation spots. The first was a dream of mine, Sky diving. I had always planned on going but the mindless abyss I had trudged through in life had, so far, kept me from it. I had not yet experienced being enveloped by nothing but the air around me. The next was an idea borrowed from many others: Paris, a trip I had always longed to do.

Before I had time to contemplate my list any further my dog, a cocker spaniel, crashed through the kitchen, jumping over the trash can. it's contents spilled over onto the floor; some old cheese, and a banana peel.

Sighing quietly to myself, I went to clean the mess, crumpling my list and adding it to the garbage as I did so.

Not a great peice of work, very unpolished, but that is kind of the purpose of the exercise; to try and piece a story together from very few, and unconnected words. It's a great exercise to try if you find yourself stuck with writers block.

Well I can't think of anything else I want to write right now, so I guess that is it. Feel free to let me know what you thought of the exercise or story, or to post your own.

Monday, May 25, 2009

My 25 things- becuase I had no idea what to write about, and filling out a facebook forward seemed like a good idea at the time.

I am guessing you have a facebook account. If you don't you are either 6, in which case I have to ask how you got online to read my blog, and whether or not you can actually read, or 96 and still a little unsure of this thing called e-lec-tric-it-y.

If you do have a facebook account you have probably been tagged in at least a million, I'm rounding down, 25 things notes. A list of 25 things you probably never knew about your friends, and never cared to know. And still don't know becuase you couldn't be bothered to read it, or if you did, you promptly forgot that your friend once ate popcorn off the floor of a pottery barn. And becuase of how fun reading about everyones 25 things was, I decided to post my own... on my new blog... in an effort to make myself feel like the world cares about me, even though probably no one will ever read this.

1. I just started a blog. You may have noticed. You are reading it now. I called it Space For Rent mostly becuase I couldn't think of anything better. It is wildly unpopular, and I am the only follower.

2.While this blog may not have many followers now, I am hoping that someday, after I get published, and become famous it will be wildly popular. Of course by then I will be rich, and will probably hire someone to write it for me. Then differing groups will crop up debating which entries I wrote, and which ones were done by a proxy, with some groups questioning whether I even exist at all.

3. I usually brush my teeth naked. This is for two reasons. I usually do it right after getting out of the shower, before I go to get dressed. The second is that if I do get dressed first I invariably get toothpaste on my shirt, even if I didn't use toothpaste that day becuase that cap was too crusted over to get anything out of the tube. I think one day they will be using dried toothpaste as a protective covering on tanks and spaceships.

4. I LOVE board games. I don't mean your standard purchased at wal-mart games like Monopoly and Risk (although I do also like monopoly and risk), but the games are love are the obscure games that they only sell at specialty gaming stores. My collection includes, but is not limited to, Kill Dr. Lucky (which could be described as the prequel to clue, in which everyone is trying to Kill Dr. Lucky), Runebound (which is like the board game version of your favourite fantasy RPG. Unless World of Warcraft is your favourite fantasy RPG, becuase there is already a board game of that, but it isn't very good.), Android (which is a futuristic, noir, murder mystery game, with some similarities to Blade Runner. At least that is what I am told, as I have never seen Blade Runner.), and Killer Bunnies (which I have no idea how to describe except that you are trying to get your bunnies to kill your opponents bunnies with weapons such as the ebola virus or food processers, all while trying to find the mysterious golden carrot.)

5. I can be a little brazen at times. I sometimes worry that I offend people with my confidence and upfrontness. Yesterday when my buddy asked me how I felt about littering, while he was driving me home, I responded, "It's biodegradeble." and pulled his popsicle stick out of his mouth and threw it out his window, adding, "besides, it's not littering if you're inside."

6. I am not very funny, but I wish I was. Becuase of this I am not above making a joke at my own expense. I have even been known to trip on purpose, just for the laughs. Fortunatly I have toned this down ever since I broke my nose.

7. I am a Comma whore. I ofte innappropriately use commas, where they are unneccesary. In fact I sometimes even use them where I really should be putting a period. I have tried to stop, but I don't think I can. I think the only thing I can do is hire a good editor.

8. I don't believe in global warming. Let me clarify, I don't believe the globe is warming due to human influence. I am unconvinced it is warming becuase we have not yet exceeded the given amount of error that is expected year to year, and I believe that Bias is a very real thing in scientific research. I have many more reasons to feel this way, but you probably don't care about them.

9. I love semi-colons almost as much as I love commas.

10. I know that I am in the minority, but I am one of the few people who loves their middle name. I may even publish under it, instead of my first name. <-- This point will undoubtedly throw fire on the debates mentioned in number 2.

11. Due to 5 and 8, I often find myself in debates on the topic of Global Warming, as well as other things, that I had no intetnion of getting involved in. That being said, I LOVE to debate.

12. I don't always feel like I belong. I don't mean this in the whiny teenager way. I have not, and will not, write poetry about how the world just doesn't understand me. I just don't feel like I have ever pinned in one group of people. While some people may have had one group of friends all through school, I had many and on any given day might have been with any of them. Due to this I don't really feel like a have a best friend, but I have lots of great friends.

13. I don't think kids should waste their lives in front of screens reading and writing blogs. It's nice outside, go join a sport, or run around. It's good for you. I, on the other hand, can waste my life in front of screens becuase I am an adult now.

14. Despite number 8, I do believe in trying to do as little damage to the environment as possible. Thus I believe in at least 2 of the three R's.

15. I consider myself a noise connesiour. I love the sound of a bag a checkers, or a metal watch rolling on a table, and the sound of rain or a room full of keyboards. I am not so big on the sound of a dying rabbit.

16. For the record, I do believe we landed on the moon. People who don't believe in global warming are always painted as conspiracy theorists or corrupt capitalists. I do think there may have been a second shooter on the grassy knoll though.

17. I think kids spend too much time in structered activities, like piano and sports leagues. It's okay to have them registered in one of these things, but they need to have more unstructured play time. It helps them develop their fragile little minds.

18. I am not big on Recycling. It often does more damage to the environment than landfilling. I am all for Reducing and Reusing though.

19. I am a capitalist, but I don't like being called corrupt.

20. I am very opinionated. This may surprise you considering how easy going the previous posts made me seem, but it's true. If you need an opinion on any subject, just ask me; if I don't have one already, I will be happy to form one on little to no information.

21. While one may not be able to tell by looking at my bedroom, I like order. It is important to me for things to be neat. At least certains things. Anyone who has tried to help me put away a board game with lot's of pieces will testify to this. Or they would, if they weren't scared of me.

22. My job never brings me in contact with monkeys or their fecal matter. I didn't think anyone would ever care about that, but it is the last question on the questionaire I had to fill out before giving blood. I am wondering now if I should have told them about my pet monkey.

23. While it isn't the norm anymore, I can't wait to get married and raise kids. I won't be the Dad who is always at work, sucking up to the boss hoping for a raise. I will be at home playing board games with my kids. If they don't like board games, they will have to move out.

24. Reading over this, there are several spots where I am convinced I should add a comma or semi-colon, but I am restraining myself, becuase it's probably just me being crazy.

25. I lied in number 6. And 22. I never actually broke my nose, pretending to trip or otherwise. I also don't have a pet monkey. I was just looking for a laugh.